How to Protect Your Pets From Secondhand Smoke and Vapor

For all the love and joy they bring us, pets deserve to be as safe as they can be. We think a lot about secondhand smoke when it comes to the people around us, but it can be easy to forget that it can affect our pets as well. That’s why any adults who vape or smoke either nicotine or cannabis should do whatever they can to reduce the contact their pets have with vapor or smoke. Strategies to protect our pets include smoking or vaping outdoors, picking up a personal smoke filter, and more.

Smoke Filter 

Smoking or Vaping Away From Pets

The easiest way to protect pets from the airborne contaminants, and strong odors accompanying smoking and vaping, is simply smoking or vaping away from them. That may mean going outside to have a puff or designating an indoor space as a pet-free zone in which adult humans can have a smoke or a vape but their fur-buddies are not allowed. Be sure to inform visitors who also smoke or vape of the rules.

Using Personal Filtration

Anybody else remember those old-school smoke-masking contraptions consisting of a toilet paper or paper towel roll stuffed with dryer sheets? The ones that mostly just seemed to make any area smell like smoke but with a floral note. Well, modern technology has succeeded in making a pocket-sized nicotine and weed smoke filter for smoking accessories and vapes and vaporizers that actually works exceptionally well. Check out a technology company called Philter Labs to get your hands on this innovation.

Cleaning Your Space

If you do smoke or vape in pet-frequented areas of your home, or slip up from time to time, you should make it a priority to clean. That includes both keeping your space free of any nicotine or cannabis products that pets could reach and cleaning your home to remove smoke or vapor residue. In addition to the standard cleaning regimen, that should include steam-cleaning carpets, rugs, and drapes whenever possible. At the very least, open some windows to air the place out after smoking or vaping.

Keeping Yourself and Pets Clean

In addition to cleaning out your living space, you should be sure to consistently clean off those living in it, humans and beast-buddies. Airborne contaminants from smoke or vapor emissions settle on virtually everything in the immediate area. That includes settling on the fur of pooches and kitties. That’s particularly problematic for them because dogs and cats often lick their fur. That is also why anyone who smokes or vapes around their pets should wash their hands after indulging. Dogs and cats are also fond of licking the hands of their owners. Residue from smoking or vaping, and certainly from any spilled vape juice, is not something pets should be ingesting.

About Philter Labs

Philter Labs is a technology company with a simple mission—eliminating secondhand smoke while enhancing the lives of nicotine and cannabis users. This fast-growing San Diego startup is responsible for pioneering PHILTER, an innovative, portable personal air filter smoke and vapor are both eliminated by. The PHILTER personal filter innovation leverages Zero-5™ technology, a five-step filtration system that destroys secondhand emissions, pollutants, VOCs, and any airborne particulates. Adult smokers and vapers can now consume in a respectful, unobtrusive manner without drawing negative attention or bothering others, regardless of the setting! Philter Labs is also committed to giving back by working with charities like the Okra Project, the Last Prisoner Project, and the California Veterans Cannabis Group.

Help promote a cleaner, happier, and healthier world by choosing a PHILTER product from Philter Labs, at


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