
Showing posts from November, 2020

Roommate Relationships: 4 Ways to Make Peace When It Comes to Smoking

There are a number of differences that can make a roommate situation tricky. However, an adult smoker and a non-smoker, or vaper and a non-vaper, living together can prove among the most fraught. Unlike political disagreements that roommates can agree just not to discuss, the rules about smoking and vaping, or not, in a living space directly affect everyone involved. The good news is, with some communication, understanding, and perhaps the strategic use of a personal smoke filter , those differences can be kept from going nuclear. Smoke Filter Communicating is Key It’s a cliché for a reason. A roommate relationship is still a relationship, and there’s nothing more important to a relationship than communication. Although, if those roommates are friends, a couple, or family members, those relationships can become even more complicated. The thing is, the specific adult smoker and non-smoker situations may differ considerably. Is the non-smoker adamant about no smoking or vaping whatsoever

4 Holiday Gift Ideas for Smokers and Vapers

With the holidays around the corner, this is the time to find the perfect gift for the adult loved one in your life who’s a smoker or vaper of nicotine or cannabis products. When gifting for the adult in your life who enjoys partaking of their device or consumable flora of choice, there are a few options. You can choose a gift directly related to their inhalation option of choice. You can even choose a gift for their exhalations, like a personal smoke filter . Or, you can choose something that broadens their smoking or vaping horizons. Smoke Filter A Vape Subscription No self-respecting adult vaper is going to turn up their nose at a selection of vape juice, especially a selection that appeals to their taste. The benefit of many vape subscriptions is the option to specify which flavors or flavor types are included. For instance, if your adult vaper loved one prefers fruit flavors, dessert flavors, or more exotic flavors, vape juice subscription packages are out there to fi