4 Adult Vaping Etiquette Tips to Make Everyone More Comfortable
There is, in general, more tolerance for vapers than there is for tobacco smokers. More tolerance for vapers doesn’t equal free rein to vape anywhere. However, the focus on vaping etiquette also all-too-often focuses exclusively on what adult vapers can do to accommodate non-vapers. While that’s certainly important, it’s also important for non-vapers to recognize that people have a right in places where it is allowed. Etiquette is a two-way street, and some communication, along with a personal air filter smoke and vapor can be eliminated with, which can go a long way to build bridges between those who partake and those who don’t. Personal Air Filter Smoke Verify the Rules in Businesses Overall, the rule of thumb seems to be—don’t vape in businesses in which you couldn’t smoke. Although, again, there are exceptions. Restaurants, or any business that serves food indoors, are virtually always a vaping no-go. Although some bars do allow their over-21 patrons to vape. A gen...